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Units of measurement

Physical quantity measurement units are used for measuring goods, raw materials, semi-products and finished items. Units of measurement of assortment are used in the following:

– Inventory management. E.g., raw materials are recorded in kg, goods and finished items – in pcs;

– In purchase invoices.

Basic units are entered into the system already. To find the list of standard values go to Menu Assortment, in a tab Units.

In the same tab one can create one’s own units. For example, you purchase raw materials in packages. In this case it is more convenient to document delivery in packages, and the system will translate it into the necessary amount of kilograms and liters.

To create a new unit press the button Create new.

One needs to indicate the name of a new unit, base unit according to which the quantity will be recalculated and fix a corresponding coefficient. For catchweight goods gram is a basic measurement unit. 

For example, a package of ketchup sauce was supplied to the production shop. Each package contains 6 bottles 920 g each. To make accounting easier, we will create a new measurement unit “Bottle of ketchup”.

Choose a basic unit Grams for recalculation, in Coefficient field indicate the weight of one bottle and press Save.

Now in the purchase invoice it can be indicated that 6 ketchup bottles have been received, and the software will put 5.52 kg on stock balance.

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