To make the loyalty program work more effectively, keep up interest of existing clients and attract new ones one should be able to identify customers and divide the database into categories based on purchase quality and quantity.
To create clients categories one can in Loyalty menu, tab Categories:
– Indicate a new category name;
– Indicate if there is a welcome bonus for registration or transition to a new level;
– Set the threshold of bonuses write-off against purchase. If you have an integrated write-off percentage, indicate the same value in minimum and maximum fields;
– indicate discount rate and/or accrued bonuses for a given customers category.
Value may variate depending on client identification type – by bonus card, by telephone number or based on mobile app use. For each type of client recognition a separate rate can be established based on the method promoted by the company. E.g., to compile a clients phone number database you can set a bigger discount rate by phone number, to encourage the customers register their contacts in the system.
– Indicate the goods and products categories purchasing which the customers will be rewarded by a discount, bonuses or be able to write-off cumulated bonuses.
Review settings and press Save. Customer category is created.
When entering a new client, he/she will be added to the category indicated as main by default.
One can change the main category putting a check mark on a category in the general list.