Open shift To open a shift on a tablet, open application and click an Employee under whose name you want to open shift. The last employees having logged in on this device will be shown. In ...
Tablet operations
As a matter of law the amount of cash in the cash box must correspond to the data contained in the fiscal data recorder. Therefore, if a shop uses change in small bills and coins or pays suppliers in ...
After shift open operation on a tablet a cashier is taken to the Sales dashboard automatically. How to add products to the receipt To add goods to the receipt press Product or goods category from the ...
Discount on all goods in a receipt To add discount on all items in the receipt: – Add products and goods to the receipt; – Click Discount icon; – A list of all available discounts will appear. Choose ...
Cancellation of the entire receipt To cancel a wrong receipt completely, go to Menu – three stripes in the top-left corner and click Journal. Choose the required sale from the list and press Return bu...
During the end of shift made by a cashier, he/she needs to compare amount of cash in the cash box with system information. To do this, press Menu – three stripes in the top-left corner of the scr...
Timesheet is a document where the amount of hours actually worked and deviations in work shifts for each employee is recorded. To enter the worked hours on a tablet click Menu – three stripes in top-...
Transfer to another location is only relevant if you do not use production plan, since release of new products and semi-products can be performed simultaneously for several locations. To create transf...
To record incoming raw materials and goods on a tablet do the following: – Enter employee’s PIN-code on a tablet: a baker or a cashier – Click on Menu – three stripes in the top-left corne...
To make a write-off of products or raw materials in the system go to Menu (three stripes) in the top-left corner of the screen. Press Other and choose Write-off. After that indicate the reason of Writ...