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How to change bonus percent

Promo and discounts system allows to configure increased percent of bonuses accrual for buying specific or selected items of assortment.

To do it, select Change bonus % from the promo list in the Loyalty tab.

Enter a promo name and description which a cashier will see on a tablet.

 This discount type can be automatic, it means when a product is included in the ticket the price will change automatically. Or the price can change when a promo code is used by a cashier.

In Application conditions set the Period when a discount is effective. One can limit a promo validity by dates, days of the week and time of the day.

In the Locations tab choose locations in which a promo will be used.

In the Roles tab one can limit application rights. For example, a cashier can make discounts, but a trainee cashier is not allowed to do it.

Settings in Clients tab add customer base restrictions to the application conditions:

1). Without limitations – any customer can use a promo.

2). Any client is indicated in the sale – a cashier must identify a buyer using a telephone number or a bonus card.

3). A client of a specific category is shown in the sale – a buyer must be authorized and belong to the indicated category.

Also it is possible to rank a promo by the Ticket amount – a discount is not possible unless a definite threshold is reached.

In Promo properties indicate a coefficient, by which the accrued bonuses will be increased. Also, define the products for which promo bonuses will be accumulated.

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