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How to create a price-list

If you have several sales points, there can be confusion in the assortment.

Especially, when the assortment and prices are different at different sales points. Search of a necessary item may take time, which will influence the speed and quality of customer service.

 In one can quickly and easily distribute the assortment and its cost among all the stores using the price-lists:

  • If a product is sold only at some sales points of a chain
  • If each store has a specific assortment and different prices
  • If the prices need to be changed as of a certain date and you want the changing process to run seamlessly
  • If you use delivery actively and a product price is different from that given offline.

Creating a price-list

in order to make a price-list, go to Price-lists tab and press Create new button in the Assortment menu.

Enter the name of a price-list and press Save.

After that add goods and products available for ordering. One can add items one by one or several at once by categories using the Add button.

Indicate a category name or a specific item in the appearing window. The goods will automatically be added to the list. Then the resulting list should be checked. The prices can be corrected if needed, or unnecessary products can be deleted from the list.

The entered changes will be saved automatically, without pressing the Save button.

Linking a price-list to a location

For a price-list to become active at one of the stores it needs to be linked to a specific location.

In the Assortment menu in the Price-lists tab click Locations tab.

Click the window Price-list not attached near the location name and choose a required price-list from the drop-down list. And press the Save button.

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