Inventory is the procedure of counting leftover stock available at the warehouse. The system compares the planned stock balance and the data which is entered into inventory count and calculates all the discrepancies for raw material cost, selling prices and finished products.
To create Inventory in a personal account, go to Journal and use the button Create new. When creating the document choose Inventory type: Full or Spot
– Indicate Date and time. Leave the current date if you are making inventory on the same day. Or make the document post factum, if the actual inventory count was made previously.
– Indicate Location where inventory count is made;
– Add positions for recounting by individual items or the entire category;
– Indicate the actual amount of ingredients and goods;
– having filled in all the data press Save so that the system could compare planned and actual amounts and calculate discrepancies.
There can be only one Full inventory for one warehouse, according to which the system documents the current stock balance.
If you made a mistake when counting stock or entering data into a document, the inventory can be corrected in the Journal Menu, tab Inventory. Set the period when Inventory was made, go into the required Document, press Edit.
Only staff members having access to the Personal account – administrator, manager, business owner are able to edit and delete saved Inventory checks.