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Purchase invoices on a tablet

To record incoming raw materials and goods on a tablet do the following:

– Enter employee’s PIN-code on a tablet: a baker or a cashier

– Click on Menu – three stripes in the top-left corner

– Click Other and choose Invoice in the drop-down list

– Enter a Supplier’s name or an assigned number. If the Supplier is already existing in the system the program will insert the data. If it is a new company a Supplier should be entered in the personal account.

– Indicate the document number and date of delivery based on paper invoice. The current date is substituted automatically. If it is a backdated invoice, we insert the corresponding delivery date using Calendar icon.

After that start filling in the document entering goods names in the search bar. For each item units, quantity and total amount need to be indicated. The price will be calculated automatically based on the entered values.

After filling in all the items press Send.

After sending the document a new invoice window will appear again. If no more invoices are needed, go back to Menu and click Sale for a cashier or Production for a baker.

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